Avanar/Chinon 135mm f2.8 - vintage lens review

Those of you who follow me on Instagram might remember that a couple months ago I bought a box of... stuff, and one of the items inside was this Avanar 135mm. There is no information on the internet about this brand, although some people speculate is was a European rebrand for Chinon, a Japanes manufacturer founded in 1962 and later acquired by Kodak, and, in fact, the Chinon 135mm f2.8 looks identical to the Avanar If by any chance you happen to know anything mote about the brand Avanar, feel free to share your knowledge in the comments; meanwhile, let us take a closer look. The body is made ot metal and it weighs 400g, it is 87mm long when focused to infinity and 101mm when extended, with a 55mm front thread. Plus, as many vintage 135s, it has a built in sun hood. The iris has 6 blades, the aperture is clicked and it goes from f2.8 to f22, with a switch for automatic and manual aperture. The focusing ring has a nice rubberized grippy texture and it turns roughly 240°, minimum ...